2016 a Floating Farm in the City

The world population is growing very fast. Especially in Asia and Africa. The demand for food will grow automatically with the growth of the population and the increasing welfare. More and more people are able to buy food. The big question is actually how and where are we going to produce this food and how healthy is the food we are massively need to produce. On the other hand we know that there are still one billion people that suffer from malnutricies food. Food production for a growing world population is an immense challenge. The number of arable land is decreasing whilst cities are growing to coop with the demand for housing. Citizens are literally on more and more distance from the agriculture places. Knowledge on healthy food production is decreasing and the logistics are increasing.

Floating Farm is an initative of: Beladon, Courage, Uit je Eigen Stad
Architect: Goldsmith
Film: WielandStudio


Based on designs for the Cofco Eco Valley and the Demo center by Wageningen UR, NRLVV Landscape and van Bergen Kolpa Architects.

The new Demonstration Centrer is located at the entrance of the Eco Valley area in Beijing. The center shows the newest technologies for sustainable growth of vegetables, fruits and flowers. COFCO aspires a Demonstration Center where agriculture, ecology and leisure come together. In the center visitors can experience and enjoy the production and taste of fresh food and flowers throughout the year.

1999 metacity / datatown

How can we understand the city in times of globalization and explosion of scale?
Do we lose control in these quantities or can we file its components and manipulate them?
Can we investigate its problems and manipulate them? Let us imagine a city that is only based upon data.
A city, that wants to be described only by information.
A city, that doesn't know any topography...
no prescribed ideology...
no representation...
no context...
purely huge...
only data: 
Metacity / Datatown.

Research / Design: MVRDV
Installation / Animation / Images: Wieland&Gouwens

2001 Pigcity

In 2000, pork was the most consumed form of meat globally, at 80 billion kg per year. Recent crises such as Swine Fever and Foot and Mouth disease are raising serious questions about pork production and consumption. As a result, two opposing reactions can be imagined. Either we change our consumption pattern and become instant vegetarians or we change the production methods and demand organic farming. But is there space?      Client: MVRDV - Animation: Wieland&Gouwens

2009 food Print The Hague

Client: The Why Factory
Animation: Wieland&Gouwens The first part of the movie looks at global food consumption, different national diets and the enormous amount of land required to grow our food. The data presented questions the effectiveness of urban farming with traditional technologies. The second part presents architectural proposals and different alternatives for organic pig farming in the city bringing us urbanites closer to our animals once again.

Stroom in The Hague, center for art and architecture, launched the Foodprint program with a symposium `Food for the city'. Foodprint investigates the influence of food on culture, the institutions and the functioning of the city.

2009 food Print Manhattan

How much space is needed to produce food for the entire population of Manhattan, including those who live there and those who visit? With current US production yields, this would require 150 times the area of Manhattan.
With a combination of hydroponic farming to boost crop efficiency, organic farming for animals to increase quality and animal well-being, while maintaining minimum livestock surface areas as specified by Dutch regulations (US organic farming regulations do not specify minimum), the area needed for food production is reduced to 46 times Manhattan.
To grow all food for Manhattan in one tower, a tower of 23 miles in height would be needed, including the food for animal production (or 8.7 miles tall without food). By distributing various ingredients over Governors Island in different towers—cereal tower, chicken tower, fruit tower, fish tower—a gigantic food city would appear next to Lady Liberty. Alternatively, distributing the towers over all the rooftops of Manhattan would result in a food layer of 656 feet on top of every building of the city. Food City by T?F, MVRDV Film: Wieland&Gouwens